7 Horror Games Where You Play as the Killer

Horror Games Where You Play as the Killer
Run run as fast as you can...

Horror Games Where You Play as The Killer

Ever fantasized about killing your nosy neighbor or your coworker who steals your turkey sandwich from the break room fridge?  Here are 7 games where you play as the killer. While it may not be as satisfying as gutting Nick from accounting, it is a lot less messy.

7. Deceit

Deceit: Gameplay Trailer

Deceit is not the game for people with trust issues. A multiplayer horror/survival/FPS where 3 of your friends are innocent and two are infected. The innocent must try to escape. The infected must try and keep them from escaping. Which one are you?

This FPS PvP style game about gave me a heart attack. You wake up in an asylum surrounded by 5 other people. A strange voice tells you that two of you have been infected with a virus. The rest are innocent. Who is infected and who isn’t is totally random so when you wake up you find out whether or not you’ve got the bug. Occasionally the power goes out, then the real fun begins. The infected transform into these incredible gruesome monsters that consume (or at least gut) their fellow players.

The innocent can work together to vote and figure out who the killers are and this time it isn’t Miss Scarlet in the library with the candlestick. Gameplay gives the infected fun little behavioral tics. Only the infected can consume the blood bags that are scattered throughout the map. So you would be tempted to just camp and watch and wait but that’s also a good way to become someone’s lunch. After a while everyone starts to get a little trigger happy and you’ll shoot anything that moves. Did you shoot an infected player or did cousin Jimmy just catch a round?

The monster the infected becomes in the dark devours its’ victims. This is the last thing they see

The Infected

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From the kingdom of the sun, Florida, Osha has a weakness for all things geeky, quirky, scary, or not on fire. She has a deep distrust of rodents and boy wizards and is still waiting for the Doctor.
Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Darksiders I
Top 3 Favorite Games:The Evil Within, Darksiders II, Portal

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Liso's picture

Liso 5 years 9 months ago

I'm LOVING Friday the 13th! Definitely becoming one of my new favorites :) Fantastic article!

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