37 Hottest Sexiest Overwatch Cosplays (Female)

Overwatch cosplays has given us so many sexy characters to look at. Let's take a look at the best ones
When Overwatch was announced at Blizzcon 2014, Blizzard fans jumped at the chance to play. As well as that, cosplayers around the globe started to work tirelessly on getting their ideas out there, and their cosplays as close to the original as possible. Since then, we’ve seen Overwatch cosplays of the great, and not-so-great variety – but which 27 are the best?
37. RinnieRiot
Cosplay by RinnieRiot at facebook.
Cosplay by RinnieRiot at facebook.
Here’s a less simple rendition on D.Va, by RinnieRiot. The playboy bunny-esque style has been featured a couple of times on Overwatch ladies, but none as detailed as this. From the suit-like rendition on her usual patterns to the adorable boots accompanying it, this whole thing is more on the simple side, but absolutely beautiful.
36. Tasha Cosplay
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Tasha Cosplay is a wildly popular cosplay, and has worked on some of the most memorable characters to date. Her Tracer cosplay does not let her reputation down, and is one of the first to show its face after a quick google search. This cosplay was even taken to an official Heroes of the Storm event after Tracer’s release, and it’s clear to see why!
35. Megan Coffey
Cosplay by MeganCoffey at deviantart.
Cosplay by MeganCoffey at deviantart.
Although this cosplay isn’t based on a skin that actually exists (which is unfortunate for any Mercy fans), this is still a beautiful rendition on the character. The candy cane staff, though impractical in the game’s mechanics, would have been hilarious to see pulled off. A wonderful cosplay overall, along with the custom idea behind it.
34. MissSinisterCosplay
Cosplay by MissSinisterCosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by MissSinisterCosplay at deviantart.
While cosplays that take on a “casual” approach to a character aren’t inherently bad, unfortunately, they will always be trumped by the original interpretation of the character. This doesn’t take away from MissSinisterCosplay’s rendition of Windowmaker, who looks far too happy to be out in the snow.
33. OscuroLupoCosplay
Cosplay by Oscurolupo Cosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by Oscurolupo Cosplay at deviantart.
Here’s a rendition on Widowmaker by Oscurolupo Cosplay. While this is still largely a work in progress cosplay as depicted by her deviantart page, this is still a stellar rendition of the character and deserves to be put on this list. If any improvements are made this would only further how great the cosplay really is! Great work.
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